23rd March saw the first steps on the path to the SZC proposals being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.

In a two day ‘Teams” marathon, the Planning Inspectorate sought to lay out the process under which the proposals from EDF would be examined.

In so doing a wide range of interested parties were able to comment and try to convince the Planning Inspectorate as to why, or why not EDF’s last minute changes proposed last winter should be considered within the whole.

EDF’s Counsel (Hereward Phillpot QC) suggested that the Examing Panel visited the Hinkley Point C construction site saying “…what one gets a clear sense of is the vast scale of the development that is proposed…”.

He also suggested that anybody not able to get to Hinkley Point might look at the latest images on the EDF website to see for themselves “…the very substantial physical works required on a number of sites.”

There is another “Teams” meeting pencilled in for April to finalise the details prior to the Examination starting in earnest, immediately thereafter.


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