Under the catchy title ‘Proposed Change 19’, Sizewell C are consulting on a last minute proposal to install a ‘temporary’ desalination plant at the site adjacent to Sizewell B.

The proposed plant would produce potable (drinking quality) water from seawater for as long as it takes for a pipeline to be provided that can meet the estimated daily water demand of 2,500,000 rising to 4,000,000 litres throughout the construction period.

This follows Essex and Suffolk Water’s parent company advising they are unable to meet Sizewells requirements without building a 28km long pipeline from the Waveney catchment area.

The consultation runs from 3rd August until the 27th.

You are all invited to respond to the consultation and details can be found on the Sizewell C website. Papers copies, USB sticks and large print versions are available by ringing the Sizewell C Team at Leiston.

Please take this opportunity to make your feelings known, as if Sizewell C gains approval, water resources will be stretched further than currently is the case.

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